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Liquid Scottish Lye Soap
Turn a bar of Scottish Lye Soap into Liquid Lye Soap.

Grate or shave soap into a pump container. Add a few beads and some hot water. Shake. Great liquid soap!

If liquid gets too thick, add more hot water. If it gets too thin, add more shaved soap. You can use up your scraps this way. Very Scottish, you know!

Liquid Scottish Lye Soap is handy for laundry, removing spots and stains from clothes, and for direct application of lye soap to the skin.

Fort Washita, OK
March 27 - April 02, 2021
OK State Fair
September 14 - September 24, 2021
Wewoka OK sorghum Festival
October 22 - October 23, 2021
Beaver Bend State Park, Broken Bow, OK
November 19 - November 25, 2021
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